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5 Most weirdest planets found till now.

1.TrES-2b - The Darkest known planet till date

This planet is about 750 light-years away. Not much is known about it aside from the fact that it’s the darkest exoplanet discovered to date: blacker than coal, it reflects less than 1 percent of light. Astronomers aren’t entirely sure what accounts for its darkness, but it could be that it lacks reflective clouds or has light-absorbing chemicals in its atmosphere. The fact that it’s so dark doesn’t mean it’s cold, though — in fact, what little light it does emit has a faint red glow , and its temperature is estimated to be around 1,255 K (1,800 degrees F).

2.WASP-12b - The egg shaped planet

WASP-12b, 1,100 light-years from Earth, is being slowly pulled apart by its star. In fact, it orbits so close that its tidal forces are pulling away its upper atmosphere at a rate of nearly 200 quadrillion tons each year, turning it into an egg-shaped ball of super-hot carbon. Planetary scientist James Lissauer suspects that deep below the turbulent shield, this Jupiter-sized planet might contain rocks made of graphite or even diamond.

3.HD 189773b - Planet that rains glass on it

HD 189773b, 63 light-years away, looks nice and Earthlike. But it’s not. It’s about 1270 K on its surface and it rains glass . The blue color comes from silicate particles in the planet’s atmosphere, which scatter blue light. Because of the planet’s surface temperature, the particles could condense to form glass. These glass grains would then fly around in the planet’s 4,000-mph wind.

4.K2-141b - planet that rains lava and rocks

K2-141b is one of the most hostile planets discovered till date. As it is gravitationally locked by its host star , the planets most part faces towards the star making one side extremely hot and other extremely cold . As water is evaporated on earth and condensed back and forms water cycle , similarly sodium, silicon monoxide, and silicon dioxide on K2-141b evaporates and forms rocks on condensing and raining back on surface as rocks.

5.Venus - Most hostile planet of our solar system

Without a doubt, Venus is the deadliest planet in our solar system due to its sulfur dioxide–rich clouds. Those clouds prevent useful sunlight from reaching the planet’s surface and stop deadly carbon dioxide from leaving the atmosphere.The surface of Venus is filled with volcanos that emit large amounts of heat and carbon dioxide. The large deposit of carbon dioxide makes Venus poisonous for humans. The thick clouds also trap heat and gas, making the planet lethally hot. Temperatures reach a hostile 467 degrees Celsius (872 °F).

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