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5 Must read books if you love science

1.The Feynman Lectures

Author - Richard Feynman

The Feynman Lectures on Physics is a classic physics textbook based on a series of lectures provided by legendary physicist Richard Feynman between 1961 and 1963.Since it was first published in 1964, it has become the most widely read physics book of all time. 2. Cosmos Author - Carl Sagan

First published in 1980, Cosmos was written to complement the incredibly influential, and still must watch, TV series of the same title. Written by Carl Sagan, the book (and series) explores the mutual development of science and civilization. 3. A Brief history of time Author - Stephen Hawking

A Brief History of Time by the late, great Stephen Hawking, was first published in 1988 and is one of the most popular science books of all time. Hawkings takes the reader on a journey through the origin and development of the Universe which is easy to read and has a non-technical format. 4. The Elegant universe Author - Brian Greene

The Elegant Universe, by Brian Greene, was first published in 1999 and was updated in 2003. The book attempts to introduce the reader to the string and superstring theory in an interesting and non-technical manner. The book has been a huge success for Greene and even won the Royal Society Prize for Science books in 2000. It was also a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for Non-Fiction. 5. The Origin of Species Author - Charles Darwin

The Origin of Species, or On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, is the original and best known scientific book on evolution. It was first published in 1859 and is a must-read for any student of biology. It is widely considered the principle foundational work for the entire field of evolutionary biology and is one of the most important pieces of scientific literature ever written. Darwin's book would change the very landscape of our understanding of man and our place in the natural world.

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