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Time Travel Paradoxes(part-1)


Simply put a paradox is a logical contradiction associated with the idea of time and time travel. In physics there are two types of paradoxes - Consistency paradoxes and Casual loops.

The consistency paradox occurs when the past is changed in any way, thus creating a contradiction. This gives rise to our first paradox -

1. The Grandfather Paradox

Suppose if a traveler were ever to go back in time and kill their grandfather in his childhood, it would result in one of the time traveler's parents, and ergo the time traveler, not being born. If the time traveler were not born, then it would not be possible for them to kill the grandfather in the first place. Therefore, the grandfather lives to offspring the time traveler's parents, and therefore the time traveler. There is, thus no predicted outcome to this.

Well but there might an answer to this paradox.

If someone did try to this when we will have the technology to do so , there can arise another situation too that after killing his grandfather nothing happens everything feels same but the only thing changed is the timeline , ya like movies , when he killed his grandfather in the past he created a new timeline where he will never be born and everything continues the same but without him.

The another type of paradox is a Casual loop as the name it a loop but a time loop and this gives rise to the second paradox

2.Boot-strap paradox

A Boot-strap paradox is a type of paradox in which an object, person, or piece of information sent back in time results in an infinite loop where the object has no discernible origin, and exists without ever being created.

Suppose you made a time machine at the age of 30 and wrote all about it in a book and through time machine travelled in past and gave that book to your younger self and using that books information your younger self made a time machine at same time you made it and he does the same and travels back in time and gave that book again to his younger self .

Now the question is where from does that book came in this loop because you were given that book by your older self and with its help you made the time machine and then gave the book to your younger self . So where is the origin of the book in this loop. This is the boot strap paradox.

Now to test all these paradoxes we would first have to make a time machine and then only the mystery of these paradoxes can be solved .

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