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What are Antiparticles? Is there something that we should worry about ?

Simply put , antiparticles are the opposite of the subatomic particles but with different charge and different magnetic properties . For example the antiparticle of electron is a particle with same mass but different charge , in this case positive charge and it is commonly referred to as Positron.. While the electron has a negative electric charge, the positron has a positive electric charge, and is produced naturally in certain types of radioactive decay. The opposite is also true , the antiparticle of the positron is the electron.

Particle–antiparticle pairs can annihilate each other, producing photons; since the charges of the particle and antiparticle are opposite, total charge is conserved. For example, the positrons produced in natural radioactive decay quickly annihilate themselves with electrons, producing pairs of gamma rays.

It is not possible to create an antiparticle without either destroying another particle of the same charge (as is for instance the case when antiparticles are produced naturally via beta decay or the collision of cosmic rays with Earth's atmosphere), or by the simultaneous creation of both a particle and its antiparticle, which can occur in particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.

When a particle strikes with an antiparticle they both annihilate each other and produces gamma rays and due to this antiparticles don't stay for long , they interact with normal matter and annihilate each other . Thus if you were to come in contact with enough antimatter be careful you would just vanish in a flash a light and nobody will know what happened to you.

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